
Friday, 9 January 2015

Camodelny chemical Navigator as an alternative to GPS.

Camodelny chemical Navigator an alternative to GPS.
Often there are situations when on the way to an unfamiliar place stops working GPS-navigator. Scientists from universities in Japan, the UK, Switzerland and Hungary have found alternatives based chemistry for the law, which offers the shortest route to your destination.

Researchers have created a maze, which repeats the map, pointed it at the start and end point of the route and completely filled with an alkaline fluid. At the destination, scientists put the gel mixed with acid, which spread throughout the maze, and the starting point add another alkaline solution with colored paint. The solution from the starting point is automatically moved to a place with the highest acidity, i.e. the point of termination of the route.

In Budapest, this alternative has already tested on one of the pizzerias of the city and thus were able to find the shortest path to it. Looks like the process is not too practical, but it works clearly faster than traditional satellite navigation.

The study's authors explain what the advantage of this alternative chemical system: the movement acid immediately shows all possible routes and, unlike a computer program makes it much faster.