
Friday, 9 January 2015

Use the Noise of Cars and Streets to Improve Life in the City.

noise levels of cars
Spanish explorers introduced the draft environmental Ear-IT, in which we tried to understand what can be said of urban noise about how logically and conveniently organized traffic, is there in seclusion with nature and, finally, how the person is healthy and happy.

1. Count the number of machines

The sensor can detect how many cars moving along a particular route to be able to discharge the densest streams. To do this, use the cable already embedded under the asphalt, but the sensor will cover more roads.

2. Help ambulances

The study author’s sensor is located near a hospital in the city, and he was able to show the movement of ambulances. Thus it will be possible to control the lights and regulate traffic to the approaching ambulance, fire or emergency services could not stay at the intersections.

3. Determine where the shooting occurred

In some American cities, use speakers ShotSpotter, which not only defines the place where there were shots, but also recognizes what type of weapon was used.

4. To explore the nature of
Analysis of the sounds of nature can give an idea of ​​what is happening to the environment and how much it is exposed to external interference.

5. Measure the welfare of the people in the city

For further studies, the project plans to create sound maps, using its technology. In the future, a sound analysis could assist in addressing issues related to human health and its interaction with the environment.